The Journey Continues...

Welcome to my life. Updated on a semi-regular basis. Enjoy!


This Was A Big Year

It was big for a few reasons. We left Albuquerque for Amarillo in July. My baby girl started kindergarten. But perhaps the biggest for our family is that our 9 year old son asked for the truth about Santa Claus. And we gave it to him. I have been encouraged by those I've already shared this with so I wanted to put it out here so that maybe it will help any other parents that are struggling with this task. I can relate. My husband and I put it off for 2 years before we finally addressed this "rite of passage." We decided to do it via letter. Much like our son would write a letter to Santa, we wrote a letter to our son. Here is what we said:

  Dear David,

You asked a really good question, "Are Mom and Dad really Santa?" We know that you want to know the truth. Your dad and I needed some time to think about how to tell you. We know that you will have more questions than what we say here, but this is where we want to start the discussion. In no way do we want you to feel like we have lied to you or that all this is a joke meant to hurt your feelings.

The answer is no. We are not Santa. There is no one, single Santa. We are the people who fill your stocking, choose and wrap the presents under the tree- just like our parents did for us, and their parents did for them, and you may do for your own kids someday.

This does not make any of us Santa, though. Santa may have been a real person long ago. There are many similar stories from different places around the world about a man who gave toys to kids on Christmas day. What Santa means now is the spirit of giving around Christmastime. I'll explain it this way: For many years now your dad and I have had people offer help to us so we could buy you and your sister presents for Christmas morning. Our friends did it because they loved us and wanted to help you have a wonderful Christmas. Your dad and I usually put Santa's name on those presents bought with the money they give us.

You're probably wanting to know why we would let you believe that Santa is a real person. Santa teaches kids to believe in something they cannot see or touch. You will need this foundation as you go through life. Many things will require you to have faith beyond what our five senses tell us is true. The most important of which is that God is real and Jesus was really His son. Many people will try to convince you, even bully you into believing what the Bible teaches is false. Having a belief in Jesus is not just about the stories in the Bible and keeping God's rules. It is a relationship. Just like you have a mom and dad on earth, you also have one in Heaven. For as much as Dad and I love you, He loves you infinitely more. The Bible says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16

We have to believe. Santa is just a starting place. There is one more thing I want to say to you. Dad and I do not want you to tell your sister what we have told you in this letter. First of all, she is not old enough to understand. Second, telling her now would rob her of the faith she is starting to develop in her 5 year old heart. We can talk before bed or when she is not around to hear. We love you and hope you have a merry Christmas!

I can't say in all honesty that this was completely all our own words. I saw a similar letter on Pinterest a few weeks ago and it got me thinking more about the subject. When our son asked again about Santa this year, we were more prepared to answer using some of that letter mixed with our own feelings and beliefs. I hope this can be a help or, like the letter I came across, a place to start your own. 

And David? He's had a few questions since the 25th, but on the whole says he is good with this new info. Also, you can bet I'm saving this for when his little sister starts asking!

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