The Journey Continues...

Welcome to my life. Updated on a semi-regular basis. Enjoy!


Gardening Tips..

A thought occurred to me in the midst of being at church on Sunday. Sadly, It had nothing to do with the sermon going on. (Sorry Trent) It was more general, but just as profound as if it was being preached from the stage. I'm no theologian. I just feel compelled to share my thought.
The Bible makes a bunch of references to plants and how people are like them. The parable of the seeds, "I am the vine, you are the branches," the idea of being grafted into God's family... The list goes on.
So I was sitting in service thinking about how we are very soon going to be "uprooting" again to a new town. I thought about all the people we are leaving, the experiences we'd had, the bonds that have made up our life in Albuquerque. I got a picture in my head of all the ways we are rooted to where we live. God "plants" us where we are sometimes for a little while, sometimes for a lifetime. I thought of it like a potted plant. What happens when a plant outgrows its pot? A good gardener will replant it into a bigger vessel.
Our Good Gardener knows how to uproot us so that when we come out of our old surroundings the important parts stay intact. It gives us the best chance of continuing to thrive in our new surroundings. I'm not saying that it won't hurt or that it's not inconvenient sometimes. But, if we were to stay in that old place (where everything is familiar and comfortable) perhaps we would stop growing. So when I'm asked about why my family moves around so much I don't feel ashamed or embarassed. I can take comfort that we are in good hands and the Gardener will give us everything we need to bloom. :)

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